Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Why did you choose PA as a major?

Hi, guys this is the beginning of our blog class. I wanna start with a question for all of you to answer:
Why did you chose PA as a major?. Please post your answer to this question.


  1. I don't know if I would like to be a major, I'd prefer be a Counselor's Major, ja ja ja , May be.

  2. Mmm, good question but because not it, because it was very similar to what I wanted to.

    antonio avila

  3. Hello teacher, for my is very nice this licentiate.Because it has very much labour field.

  4. Someone help me please. what is PA?... because the PA knows as administering the resourses and because it is a person very prepared for this type of work.

  5. hello teacher, I chose this degree because I find it very interesting to pursue political office.

  6. I chose public service because it seemed like a very interesting degree, and what caught my attention most is that it's focused on social work, and this will allow me to withdraw my bit to move the country forward.
    And aside to this I will be more qualified to hold office, if it so decides, and with this change the old prospect who know about public administrators.

  7. Well, at first thought it was a race like business administration, because my goal was to study the race, however with the information you gave us was, I realized that the PA was a very good option and a very interesting and attractive.

  8. The truth I really like the race and I found very interesting. =)

  9. ¡Hola! Bueno yo no tenía en mi cabeza de estudiar administración pública, esta carrera fue mi tercera opción pero pensaba que se relacionaba con el ambiente laboral de empresas privadas pero no fue así. Pero el tiempo que llevo estudiando no esta tal mal pero no le pongo tanto entusiasmo porque no me atrae al 100%. Pero la verdad no es nada con lo que quería estudiar pero la voy a terminar para no perder tiempo en mi casa.

  10. Hello! Well I had in my head to study public administration, this race was my third choice but I thought that was related to the working environment of private enterprises, but it did not. But my time studying is not so bad but I put so much enthusiasm because it appeals to me 100%. But the truth is not what I wanted to study but I will finish to avoid wasting time at my house.

  11. Well when you choose this career I call the attention as it relates to the public, because for me it is a pleasure to help people, hear their needs and serviced to resolve them and be a good servant in the workplace

  12. Hello teacher. I chose a degree in public administration as it was my second choice, but I never thought that I would like very much, because I thought he was referring to private companies to manage, now that relates to the way the public official administer all assets of a state.

  13. I can say is that I chose to be one of the races, which will have more demand for labor in the future, and partly because I like the administration as it catches my attention.

  14. It was interesting to me, never heard of the race because this race offers an extensive employment as it has not been exploited, as I had said this race is very interesting.

    AP is a very interesting race and that's why I chose the ap-related things we govierno as being a good public administrator. I did not want to study this race but for something here and I'm happy and I was not mistaken in AP classes.

  16. the public administration is important for mexico.
    given that resources which are for social welfare and technological.

    for me it is important the career de administracion publica.

    and is important for communities that resources are managed for welfare Mexican.

  17. Public administration is important to study to work on the needs of the company. It is also a basic element of the government to satisfy the economic and social needs of people.
